Friday, February 17, 2023

Our first Goats

Our homestead started with a handful of baby goats back in 1995. My husband and I had a friend with a very large goat herd. That year he ended up with several orphaned babies and we were more than happy to step in and adopt them. With that, the love of farming began.

Soon, 3 became 5 and then 5 became 8, and so on it went. In 1999 we bought our first piece of property that was 35 acres and more pets were brought in. That is when we chose our farm name Huggable Pets Farm. Not only did we love each animal as a family pet, but it was a play on our last name Huggins.

Over the years we have had many goats. My favorite breed are the Spanish Meat Goat. They are very hardy animals and are not as prone to illness and parasites as other breeds are. They can be bred for meat as well as for milk. I have milked several of my girls. While they do not produce as much as a Nubian goat, they are still great milkers.